Monday, January 20, 2014

Association Meeting Agenda - January 28th at 6pm - WE NEED YOU

Please join us for PTA Association meeting on January 28 in the School Library @ 6:00 pm. Your vote counts and is needed so that we can continue to support our students & staff! Following is the Agenda for the meeting and it should take about 1 hour.  (agenda updated 1/26/14)

Association Meeting Agenda
January 28, 2014
Coarsegold Library @ 6:00 pm

 I. Call Meeting to Order 
II. Opening Ceremonies 
a. Welcome
b. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Reading/Approval of Minutes-
a. Secretary reads minutes from September 2013 Association Meeting

IV. Reports of Officers
a. Treasurer’s Report- Covers period from September 24 till January 27
b. Approval and Ratification of disbursements since last regular Association Meeting- itemized as to who paid, amount, and what payment covered.
c. Principal’s Report

V. Report of the Executive Board- Action Items
Recommendations voted on one at a time, the Assigned person or Secretary discusses each; ask for motion for the adoption of each one & Treasurer asks for release of funds
1. Approve Amended Budget for 2013-2014- Tami
2. Nominating Committee will be current Board- Audra Bylaws state a Chairperson & 3 members & 1 alternate (not the president)
3. Movie Night- January 25 & April 4
a. Release $200
4. Cougar Pride Citizenship Awards- Feb; March; April; May
a. Release $1000.00
5. Approve planning for March 29 Golf Tournament-
a. Release expense funds-$3,500
6. Approve planning- Dr. Seuss Bday Read-a-thon Event
a. Release Funds-$250
7. Art in the Classroom/Art Fund Day
a. Release $1000.00
8. Overnight Field trip funds
a. Release funds-$1500.00
9. Choir equipment
a. Release funds-$500
10. Supplemental (workroom) School Supplies-
a. Release funds-$500
11. 8th grade graduation-
a. Release funds-$400
12. Safety Golf Cart
a. Release funds-$500
13. Ski scholarship-
a. Release funds- $800
VI. Announcements
VII. Adjournment