Thursday, March 20, 2014

PTA Association Meeting - Tuesday March 25 at 6:00pm - PIZZA!!!

Please join us for PTA Association meeting on Tuesday, March 25th in the Multipurpose Room @ 6:00 pm. PIZZA WILL BE SERVED. Your vote counts and is needed so that we can continue to support our students & staff! Following is the Agenda for the meeting and it should take about 1 hour.

Association Meeting Agenda

March 25, 2014
Coarsegold Multipurpose Room @ 6:00 pm

I. Call Meeting to Order 

II. Opening Ceremonies 
a. Welcome
b. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Reading/Approval of Minutes-
a. Secretary distributes minutes from January 2014 Association Meeting

IV. Reports of Officers
a. Treasurer’s Report- Covers period from January 27 till March 24, 2014
b. Approval and Ratification of disbursements since last regular Association Meeting- itemized as to who paid, amount, and what payment covered.
c. Audit Report- Annual Motion needed and Vote
d. Principal’s Report

V. Report of the Executive Board- Action Items
Recommendations voted on one at a time, the Assigned person or Secretary discusses each; ask for motion for the adoption of each one & Treasurer asks for release of funds
a. Awards- Character in Motion-
i. Release $250
b. Teacher/Staff Appreciation
i. Release $300
c. Approval to plan and release funds for new school year events (all prior to September Association Meeting): Pay insurance, PTA EZ financial software, movie licensing, PTA supplies, Plan Back-to-School Night & Walk-a-thon Fundraiser for August/September 2014
i. Release Funds: $1500

VI. 2014-2015 Board Elections
a. Audra to read requirements and information regarding election and position of PTA board members
b. Report of Nomination Committee by Chairman- Cami
c. Nominations from floor if needed, if not Voice Vote & Approval
VII. Announcements
a. Golf Tournament- March 29
b. Regional Spelling Bee at CG on April 1 & 2
c. Final Movie Night- April 4 Despicable Me 2 & 8th Grade Fundraiser

VIII. Adjournment