Thursday, September 18, 2014
Saturday, September 13, 2014
3rd Annual Coarsegold School Walk-a-Thon
Friday, September 19th Come cheer your student on, help with counting laps, handing out water or clean up and have a great time.
Sponsored by the Coarsegold School PTA. All funds raised go back to school programs. And thank you for the generous support from our community.
Sponsored by the Coarsegold School PTA. All funds raised go back to school programs. And thank you for the generous support from our community.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Welcome Back Students, Teachers, Staff and Families!!
As we kick of another school year, the Coarsegold PTA has exciting plans in store for our kids!! We were glad to see so many of you at our coffee & treat table this morning and thrilled to meet so many new VOLUNTEERS. We just want to remind everyone that there is not time requirement for joinging the PTA, we appreciate whatever time or involvement that works for you and your family's schedule. Stay up to date with upcoming events and volunteer opportunities through our Facebook page and website.
And a very warm welcome to our new principal, Stacy Nicol!! We look forward to working together for a fabulous school year!!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Art Fun Day
The PTA hosted our final Art in the Classroom project with “Art
Fun Day”. Teachers brought their class
to the multipurpose room where the were able to choose from 5 projects, working
with a variety of art mediums:
- Monet Water Lilies with tissue paper and pastels
- Watercolor with salt and plastic wrap
- Recycled Material “Litter” Bugs
- Clay Shaping
- Van Gogh’s Sunflowers with a variety of materials
Some students enjoyed it so much they returned on their
recess to try a different project.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Celebrating our Teachers and Staff!
We have a fun filled week planned for our Teachers and Staff. They started the week with a surprise makeover of the Staff Lounge. The favorites of the remodel were the cougar trash can (thanks David Phillips) and the Keurig machine.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
May 5th - 9th Staff Appreciation Week and National Teacher Day
The PTA is celebrating Staff
Appreciation Week May 5th – 9th. We appreciate all
that our teachers and staff do for our children and community. You can
support your student in expressing their thanks to their teacher with a note or
drawing. And we especially remember them on National Teacher Day, Tuesday, May
And encourage your child to get creative on Crazy Dress
Up / Come as Your Favorite Teacher Day, Friday, May 9th. We look
forward to a fun week!
5th Annual Cougar Class Golf Tournament a SUCCESS
Thank you to all of our supporters, generous donors and
golfers who participated in the 5th Annual Cougar Classic Golf
Tournament. The weather held out beautifully and everyone enjoyed a great
day of golf, friendship, tasty food and wonderful prizes. We raised over $5,000
for PTA sponsored programs at Coarsegold School. Hope to see you all next year!
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Book Fair March 24th to 28th - Coarsegold School Library
Click Here to find out more about the 2014 Spring Coarsegold Elementary School Scholastic Book Fair. It will be held in the school library from Monday, March 24 to Friday, March 28. The link has more detailed information and times the Book Fair will be open.
Did you know? Books that are sold help the library earn credit to buy books for the library! This year the goal is $4,000 and the library will keep over half of the in new books for the library. You can also buy books to help supplement your child's classroom.
**We are also looking for volunteers to help staff the book fair. If you haven't already filled out the volunteer form, please call or email Librarian Audra Hammerling to sign up.
PTA Association Meeting - Tuesday March 25 at 6:00pm - PIZZA!!!
Please join us for PTA Association meeting on Tuesday, March 25th in the Multipurpose Room @ 6:00 pm. PIZZA WILL BE SERVED. Your vote counts and is needed so that we can continue to support our students & staff! Following is the Agenda for the meeting and it should take about 1 hour.
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Opening Ceremonies
a. Welcome
b. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Reading/Approval of Minutes-
a. Secretary distributes minutes from January 2014 Association Meeting
IV. Reports of Officers
a. Treasurer’s Report- Covers period from January 27 till March 24, 2014
b. Approval and Ratification of disbursements since last regular Association Meeting- itemized as to who paid, amount, and what payment covered.
c. Audit Report- Annual Motion needed and Vote
d. Principal’s Report
V. Report of the Executive Board- Action Items
Recommendations voted on one at a time, the Assigned person or Secretary discusses each; ask for motion for the adoption of each one & Treasurer asks for release of funds
a. Awards- Character in Motion-
i. Release $250
b. Teacher/Staff Appreciation
i. Release $300
c. Approval to plan and release funds for new school year events (all prior to September Association Meeting): Pay insurance, PTA EZ financial software, movie licensing, PTA supplies, Plan Back-to-School Night & Walk-a-thon Fundraiser for August/September 2014
i. Release Funds: $1500
VI. 2014-2015 Board Elections
a. Audra to read requirements and information regarding election and position of PTA board members
b. Report of Nomination Committee by Chairman- Cami
c. Nominations from floor if needed, if not Voice Vote & Approval
VII. Announcements
a. Golf Tournament- March 29
b. Regional Spelling Bee at CG on April 1 & 2
c. Final Movie Night- April 4 Despicable Me 2 & 8th Grade Fundraiser
VIII. Adjournment
Association Meeting Agenda
March 25, 2014
Coarsegold Multipurpose Room @ 6:00 pm
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Opening Ceremonies
a. Welcome
b. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Reading/Approval of Minutes-
a. Secretary distributes minutes from January 2014 Association Meeting
IV. Reports of Officers
a. Treasurer’s Report- Covers period from January 27 till March 24, 2014
b. Approval and Ratification of disbursements since last regular Association Meeting- itemized as to who paid, amount, and what payment covered.
c. Audit Report- Annual Motion needed and Vote
d. Principal’s Report
V. Report of the Executive Board- Action Items
Recommendations voted on one at a time, the Assigned person or Secretary discusses each; ask for motion for the adoption of each one & Treasurer asks for release of funds
a. Awards- Character in Motion-
i. Release $250
b. Teacher/Staff Appreciation
i. Release $300
c. Approval to plan and release funds for new school year events (all prior to September Association Meeting): Pay insurance, PTA EZ financial software, movie licensing, PTA supplies, Plan Back-to-School Night & Walk-a-thon Fundraiser for August/September 2014
i. Release Funds: $1500
VI. 2014-2015 Board Elections
a. Audra to read requirements and information regarding election and position of PTA board members
b. Report of Nomination Committee by Chairman- Cami
c. Nominations from floor if needed, if not Voice Vote & Approval
VII. Announcements
a. Golf Tournament- March 29
b. Regional Spelling Bee at CG on April 1 & 2
c. Final Movie Night- April 4 Despicable Me 2 & 8th Grade Fundraiser
VIII. Adjournment
Monday, February 24, 2014
School Survey Due Wednesday, 2/26
Hello Coarsegold Elementary Parents,
It is that time of year where we, your Site Council, ask for
your help and input. Please click the link below and help us make our school
one of the best in the mountain area. We are half way to our goal of 100 families completing the survey, so please complete the survey by Wednesday evening.
By completing this survey you will not only assist us, but
you will help your student. The class with the highest participation in each
grade group (K-2, 3-5, & 6-8) )will receive a reward party from the Site
Thank you,
Your 2013-2014 Site Council
Monday, January 20, 2014
Looking for 2014-2015 PTA Board Members
Hello PTA members!
As many of you know, all the awesome things our kids get to do is because of you volunteering and supporting the kids and teachers and also because the PTA board members come up with and organize these events.
We have several board members whose 2 year terms are up so we have positions to be filled. Please come in, call, or email if you have questions about the positions and what is involved in being on the board.
The positions available are as follows:
For descriptions, please visit Audra in the library or you can grab a copy from the office. Please sign on to next year's PTA Board, the more board members to share the responsibilities, the more fun it is!!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead
As many of you know, all the awesome things our kids get to do is because of you volunteering and supporting the kids and teachers and also because the PTA board members come up with and organize these events.
We have several board members whose 2 year terms are up so we have positions to be filled. Please come in, call, or email if you have questions about the positions and what is involved in being on the board.
The positions available are as follows:
- President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Membership
- Parent Involvement
For descriptions, please visit Audra in the library or you can grab a copy from the office. Please sign on to next year's PTA Board, the more board members to share the responsibilities, the more fun it is!!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead
Association Meeting Agenda - January 28th at 6pm - WE NEED YOU
Please join us for PTA Association meeting on January 28 in the School Library @ 6:00 pm. Your vote counts and is needed so that we can continue to support our students & staff! Following is the Agenda for the meeting and it should take about 1 hour. (agenda updated 1/26/14)
Association Meeting Agenda
28, 2014
Library @ 6:00 pm
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Opening Ceremonies
a. Welcome
b. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Reading/Approval of Minutes-
a. Secretary reads minutes from September 2013 Association Meeting
IV. Reports of Officers
a. Treasurer’s Report- Covers period from September 24 till January 27
b. Approval and Ratification of disbursements since last regular Association Meeting- itemized as to who paid, amount, and what payment covered.
c. Principal’s Report
V. Report of the Executive Board- Action Items
Recommendations voted on one at a time, the Assigned person or Secretary discusses each; ask for motion for the adoption of each one & Treasurer asks for release of funds
1. Approve Amended Budget for 2013-2014- Tami
2. Nominating Committee will be current Board- Audra Bylaws state a Chairperson & 3 members & 1 alternate (not the president)
3. Movie Night- January 25 & April 4
a. Release $200
4. Cougar Pride Citizenship Awards- Feb; March; April; May
a. Release $1000.00
5. Approve planning for March 29 Golf Tournament-
a. Release expense funds-$3,500
6. Approve planning- Dr. Seuss Bday Read-a-thon Event
a. Release Funds-$250
7. Art in the Classroom/Art Fund Day
a. Release $1000.00
8. Overnight Field trip funds
a. Release funds-$1500.00
9. Choir equipment
a. Release funds-$500
10. Supplemental (workroom) School Supplies-
a. Release funds-$500
11. 8th grade graduation-
a. Release funds-$400
12. Safety Golf Cart
a. Release funds-$500
13. Ski scholarship-
a. Release funds- $800
VI. Announcements
VII. Adjournment
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Art in the Classroom 2nd Quarter - Jewelry Making
For our 2nd Quarter “Art in the Classroom”, we
were lucky enough to have Merylyn Whited from Timberline Gallery volunteer to
teach our students jewelry making. She focused on creating components of
jewelry that they can replicate at home to create jewelry and other fun
Our 3rd through 8th grade students worked
with creating paper beads and stringing them on copper wire. Creations
ranged from simple bracelets, to earrings and little “people”. K-2nd
grade worked with beads and noodles to make a necklace. A big thank you
to Mrs. Whited, along with Janet Morita (President of Timberline Gallery,) for
donating their time and talent to our school.
To learn more about the gallery, visit their website:
If you have a child interested in art, they can apply for
sponsorship to participate in Sierra Art Trails held October 2014. This
is a great opportunity for your budding artist to explore different mediums and
start building their portfolio.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
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